Leadership Coaching

AgileOD offers one-on-one and group coaching sessions focused on enhancing leadership skills, improving team dynamics, and achieving individual and group goals. Discounts are available if you book multiple sessions at one time. Contact AgileOD to book your first coaching session!


Coaching is about unlocking people’s potential through the leveraging of profound questions in order to maximize their performance. Every individual has a built-in, natural learning capability that is disrupted by instruction. Coaching unleashes that innate drive and lets curiosity loose on internal and external challenges and opportunities facing the coachee.

AgileOD applies the GROW model during most coaching sessions. This maximizes the effectiveness of each coaching session and allows the coachee to identify the steps needed to make progress on whatever issue they are facing.

The table below provides an overview of the GROW model. Coaching is, however, as much, about the way things are done as it is about what is done. Coaching delivers results because of the supportive relationship between coach and coachee and the means and style of communication used. Contact AgileOD to experience it for yourself! The first 30-minute introductory call is on the house. Discounts are available if you book multiple sessions at one time.

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